Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday rhymes with funday:( mother's rant

Today was supposed to be a fun Monday following Mother's Day. Instead we woke up sleep deprived once again, after a night of my 4yr old bunny coughing in her sleep. She looked like a zombie with bags under her eyes, but she never once has complained. I have to say she is one impressively tough bunny.
So off to the Dr. and what do you know she had not one, but two VeRy bad ear infections (again) and was having what resembled a form of asthma (we will just call it reactive airway for now)-because I am having trouble wrapping my head around this. My poor baby.
She never had a single ear infection the first 3 years of her beautiful precious life and now we have a a spout of bad luck..or is it?
I am feeling a certain amount of guilt that maybe moving to the polluted city of Los Angeles was not the best of ideas, but unavoidable.
So I started to think was this preventable? I remember reading a few articles stated some crazy number of kids have asthma in that live in know like the one in three people have herpes? lol (I know so scientific) The point, It was above average as far as cities go and I apologize for not having a link to this so called article, I am just having a mothers rant right now..
So my worst fears have arrived..The environment is effecting my children's health in a very real way. It is no longer intangible. It is here and I feel about the size of a little ant right now. We are killing ourselves with all of these pollutants. It is in the food, it is in our air, it is in our water the list goes on infinitely. Geez.. am I going to have to rise up against the "man" to save the earths children and the earth..(sounds a little too tree huggie for me) I really just want to sit pool side sipping my martini and discussing swim lessons and summer camps and wonder about what great things the bunnies will do with their lives. (let me have this one, it is a nice fantasy)
Well it will have to be tomorrow if ever that I do more
..but for now I am enjoying listening to the silence of my home while all of my bunnies sleep soundly.


  1. The lovely thing about pollution is that so much of it is actually drifting lazily across the Pacific from China and finding it's final resting place in the Mountains surrounding LA. -Not that LA(and the US at large) isn't contributing a huge ammount of our own filth... But what are we supposed to do with the "sleeping giant" over there?! But for now sweetheart, just relax, keep doing what you're doing, and know that your babies are ok, they are so healthy in comparisson, and they are gonna be just fine, even if the place you live isn't 100% perfect. Hey- it's LA! That's means it's at least like 98%! =)

  2. I am feeling much better today.. funny side note I was actually sitting in the bathroom writing this last night!! with our house under construction and everyone sleeping it was the only place I was not disturbing anyone! Ha Ha oh the joys:) miss you lady! and love you!

  3. lets runaway and move to portland together :)

  4. OMG we soooo should!! We looked at houses last time we were there, we seriously contemplated that move..but good thing we didn't cause I would have missed out meeting my fav. LA bunny..U!! mwah
