Wednesday, April 21, 2010

bring on the Verve bunny!

bunny |ˈbənē|
noun ( pl. -nies) informal (also bunny rabbit)
a rabbit, esp. a young one.
• [with adj. ] informal a person of a specified type or in a specified mood :
ORIGIN early 17th cent. (originally used as a term of endearment to a person, later as a pet name for a rabbit): from dialect bun [squirrel, rabbit,] also used as a term of endearment, of unknown origin.

verve |vərv|
vigor and spirit or enthusiasm : Kollo sings with supreme verve and flexibility.
ORIGIN late 17th cent. (denoting special talent in writing): from French, ‘vigor,’ earlier ‘form of expression,’

I hope to make this blog my home. I have had an itch to release all the ideas that have been inspiring me in my daily life. Community and the people around you are what matter in life and I find great inspiration from those around me. Those people have the power to change your life. I hope to inspire not only myself to live a full and happier life but maybe a few others. Whether it is concerning food, child rearing, design, art or just good ol fashion fun!

So those of you that know me, know that I call all my lovelies "bunny". It is kind of my signature pet name and term of endearment that I bestow the ones I care about. Well everyone except my husband. Bunny is very personal and really reflects my personality. So bunny Verve translates into my passion to inspire all my bunnies to live with vigor, spirit and enthusiasm.
So welcome to my blog!!


  1. I'm already inspired by you, so this is gonna be good :) Go team Bunnies!

  2. It's about time you released your brilliance on the world! Looking forward to each and every post!!! Love you!

  3. thank you bunny for what this will bring!!
